1. My kids helped my husband and I make some raised beds and I am excited to be able to plant soon.....We built them 4'x4' and 10 inches tall. We lay down newspapers over the grass, (well this one has cardboard instead of newspaper), then added a layer of old leaves, then compost mixed with just a little vermiculite and one bag of soil for all so actually very little soil added in. We have a huge compost pile that has been unused for years so we had enough for 5 squares and two long beds.
In between the squares is going to be flat rocks surrounded by gravel eventually I think...
2. My youngest didn't help but he was good and didn't try to run off the whole time we worked! and that is a wonderful thing, truly. He's on a 3 week good streak in his autism classroom at school. (If only we could figure out why, and make sure we keep doing what ever it is that turned his behavior around....)
I talk about him as if he was litttle, but as you can see he isn't anymore....
3. I have been having fun sketching and planning where things will be planted...
4. Making painted rock herb markers...
I draw it on using my regular tip gel pen, then I add thickness along the edges...
woodland guardians
watching over my artwork
judgmental critics?
Then I spray them with a varnish, i have tried all different kinds, any will work.
5. My daughter is back home from New Mexico and excited about helping plant as well!