💭permanent black Sharpie
💭White Uniball signo pen
💭non permanent black marker (to paint over with water and let the black bleed out a bit)
💭tiny spray bottle of water (I spray the paint to help activate it before painting, and I use it to clean my brush as I go) this is a new one, mine usually looks pretty dirty
💭leather journal from redwoodwillow (I have also gotten an even smaller version from Amazon)
💭Altoid tin filled with:
💜half pans from imlothmelui that are handcrafted and came with a magnet affixed to the back so they stay put
imlothwatercolor 💜half pans from redwoodwillow that did not come with magnets attached so they are held in with sticky tac
💜 a small pencil with an eraser
💜 a small brush (I broke it then sharpened the end till it was small enough to fit. I use the sharp end to scratch into wet watercolor for an interesting effect)
💜 a folded up paper napkin to wipe my brush on
This all fits because the only other things I carry are cash, cards, stamps, BurtsBees chapstick, Mr. Rogers "encouragemints", hair band, pen, comb and a pocket talisman or two.
Here's some pages I haven't shared before ....
Then when I know I will have time to paint I carry a bigger bag that will fit the following extras:
💭strathmore visual journal
💭Jane Davenport bright watercolor set
💭a bigger brush
So, now to the giveaway part....!!!!!!
last night on instagram I just hit 1000 followers so as a thank you I am hosting a Giveaway there.... just go to my
instagram account to sign up. If you don't have an instagram account and you really want a chance to win, then leave a comment here that you want to be entered into the giveaway too. Here's what I am giving away:
💭Shutterfly writing notebook (the cover is made with my rainbow rice art)
💭a writing pen
💭a 5x7 print of the same rainbow rice piece
💭an empty altoid tin to make your own travel kit
💭 4 empty half pans to add your own tube watercolor to
💭a new spray bottle
💭a postcard of a painting of mine
💭a magnet of a painting of mine
💭a roll of glitter washi tape
(A total value of $50!)
Good luck and hope to see you over on Instagram!