Looking back I created a ton of art!!! Almost a painting everyday! I started off finishing up my alphabet kids....
And though I never put it into a book I may still do that some time....
after that I went on to making paperdolls and practicing my lettering....

Then I started the 100 day project and created a “joyous watercolor” everyday for 100 days!!!!!

Then I started the 100 day project and created a “joyous watercolor” everyday for 100 days!!!!!
Shortly after and during that I worked on some assignments for the make art that sells boot camp class with Lilla Rogers! I don’t seem to have pics in my phone of the final projects....but it was fun and inspired me to really want to try to start submitting my art to different types of companies.... housewares, kids clothing, fabric etc. still haven’t done it but It will be at the top of my 2018 list.
Then I did 30 days of painting cabins...
Then Inktober....
Then the cabins inspired houses with quilts
And then a 3 color series
And then these yellow circles that I dreamed up well laying awake with insomnia
And then these baby images came about
And really there was more art than this but if you want to see almost all of it you can just follow me on Instagram where I post daily.
I have a new series started which you can see there if you go....
And through all of this art I really did manage to work full time, spend time with family and live a normal life.
According to my goodreads page I read 26 books in 2017.... some on audible, some actually paper books. Alot of the books I read were, like last years, about bookshops. A lot were set in the highlands. Some were about knitting, some about writing. Many that I listened to were actually read by the author, which makes it really nice. You can see my list
hereWe went on vacation to a cabin in Allegany state park that I don’t think I ever posted about..... we hiked, watched hummingbirds, shopped at the huge antique store in town or at the gift shop which, like many buildings there, was built by the civilian conservation corps and still looks like a 50’s camp lodge, like ‘dirty dancing’ could have happened there. And we sat around and read.
We enjoyed our garden and did some canning
But the hardest part if the year was having all my children, but Jace, move not only out of the house but across the country. Bran the oldest was already in Arizona but now Jesse, the next in line, moved out there as well.
They drove across the country together and I loved seeing all their photos but I was so anxious about their trip. I thought if they didn’t get killed they might kill each other. But on top of that type of worry it was just hard to have them gone.... kind of like the worry I had during each of their senior years.... like you are losing them or it’s too late to do all the things you meant to do as a parent. It really was quite a difficult time for me.
But they made it there, and they are both doing great!
And it also meant no more babysitters, or help with our son Jace. That has been an adjustment. I finally found a great sitter to watch him after school till we get home from work. But the girls still miss him too.....
I do have another son, Wade, who moved out to Ohio at the same time, but no photos to show.... he is not always agreeable to photo taking. I miss him just as much but it is a little different with a son. He, also seems to be doing well away from NY.
All this moving out left me with an empty room to remodel into the art room I have always wanted. I will do a post soon with detail photos of my room. I am loving that!!!
Well, that is the highlight reel of my year! Hope you enjoyed it. Now onto plans for 2018.......
Merry Christmas, happy holidays and all to everyone reading....
see you next year!