Thursday, October 5, 2017

Day 5 Inktober


  1. really nice scales pattern on her tail :) makes me want to draw a mermaid now :)

    1. Mermaids really are fun..... al that flowing hair and all!

  2. Love this! You know what I just thought of. . . ok, I know it would obviously be a mermaid without the line pf water at the top. . . but as soon as you draw that water line, it makes this a world unknown to our own. It's happening below the surface and out of view and that makes it a world we all want to be a part of or discover. I think that's true for fantasy worlds, worlds built in clouds, underwater, underground. . . maybe that's why we are drawn to them as children so much? I wanted, more than anything, to NOT be seen in those days. To be alone and in the worlds of my choosing. And that remains very true today for me. :)

    1. Ah, your words make me go back and see even more in my own art than I knew was there. It is your way with words that makes us all see!
