Saturday, January 3, 2015

Walking stick

One of our hobbies started last year, along with my carving birds was originally to make walking sticks. The first one my husband and i worked together on. It was for my Dad for Christmas. I can show the photos now that we have given it to him. I carved the rattle snake, then my husband deepened it with a dremel tool. We stained it 4 colors and then i woodburned the scales and painted the eyes. my husband carved out a spot for two arrowheads at the top and we added a purchased leather pouch.

Since one of our goals is to hike weekly when the weather gets better, we have a few more to make for ourselves and our kids.


  1. That is so cool! I've never seen a walking stick with an attached pouch. What a great idea for traveling light. He must have loved this! :)

  2. What a special walking stick - great tool for walking.

  3. Your collaborative effort on this walking stick is awesome and I'm sure the gift was certainly appreciated.
