Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 23 and 24

photo.JPG by lelloavengers
photo.JPG, a photo by lelloavengers on Flickr.
This is Lettie, she's Tuesday Blue's Grandma, and she's supportiong Chrissy and Tuesday by herself ever since her husband passed away 5 years ago. He choked while having dinner with another woman who didn't know CPR. Lettie's very good at CPR. She works in the business office of the local hospital, but wasn't there when they brought her husband in, even though it was too late to save him. He was eatting steak, and she hasn't touched a piece of steak since.

She WAS there when Tuesday was born though, and got to hear her first cry. She let out one big yell and then quited down and looked around at her surroundings. Lettie knew right away that Tuesday will be gifted, she felt it deep inside her, she just doesn't know how yet so she buys her every musical instrument she can, searching for what it will be. It will be as a healer though, and Tuesday will never be able to hold a note on any of those instruments!

Next is Dex, Lettie's neighbor. He loves Tuesday and all babies and comes over to visit and help Lettie make her peas and carrots. He's a big help entertaining Tuesday but he's angry today because his Mom won't let him go to Letties so early. She feels Lettie needs time alone in the morning but the truth is she could use Dex's help. Chrissy still sleeps in and Lettie doesn't want to wake her up and deal with her morning crabbiness. Mornings used to be so peaceful and a whiney 17 year old is no help in entertaining Tueday and getting her dressed. She waits until she's almost ready to head out the door before getting Chrissy up and giving her her list of "to do's" for the day.


  1. these are brilliant. both such differnt styles but each one really lovely. I love the story - you have a great imagination!

  2. Loving them both and thats a fab story. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  3. Great faces! And your backstories continue to amaze and impress me with their depth.

  4. Wonderfully done characters and story is great ~namaste,carol (A Creative Harbor) Happy PPF ^_^

  5. I like the one on the left so much! Very colorful, and the patterns!

  6. Love the one tone painting on the right... very nice.
    Happy PPF! xoxo

  7. Cool story and awesome faces. The one on the left, Lettie, is my the background! Happy PPF!

  8. beautiful art and beautiful words, thankyou for sharing

  9. So when is the book coming out :D I am loving this collection of characters :D XXX

  10. Love Lettie...her story and her background colors and patterns!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  11. The face of the boy with sanguines is good miuy drawing. Saludos

  12. Fantastic faces and great story :o)

  13. Your faces are wonderful! And I love the story behind them!!

    Happy PPF!

  14. I love the faces and the story you tell is amazing. You are gifted my friend!!!

  15. Both works are great and even more compelling because of the stories you have given them. Love this way of sharing art.
    Happy PPF!
    Sheri Cook/Happy Horse Studio

  16. I love both your story and your paintings. Lettie certainly does have a lot on her plate but I think she will make it. Both paintings are great but I am drawn to the expression on Lettie's face.

  17. I really like seeing two very different styles of faces. They're both great!

  18. What a fabulous job you did of both.

  19. Beautiful paintings with great story to share.

  20. Great paintings! I really enjoy reading the stories that go along with these faces.

  21. Lots of fabulous faces since my last visit! And your stories are great. "He choked while having dinner with another woman who didn't know CPR". I am STILL laughing at your dry humor. Thanks for the smiles :o)

  22. I really like Lettie...and the background leaf pattern you created behind her is just gorgeous!

  23. These are both very nice. I enjoy your stories too.

  24. I love the background too, it is so rainbowy and fits wonderful to lovely Lettie! Dex´s expression is great too ;-)
