Wednesday, March 8, 2017

An umbrella for scribblepicnic

I had to join in this week's scribblepicnic because I love umbrellas. I have added them to my art off and on from the beginning when I was painting just falling ladies. Umbrellas have symbolized a safety net of sorts for me and I am not entirely sure why, but on top of that , I just think they are pretty! (I have a ton in my art inspiration board on Pinterest). So here's this week's girl and umbrella....
  And here's a close up before the final details were added....


Then, As I was writing this I thought I would look for some of my early water colors with umbrellas that I mentioned and I found this from 2012...... pretty much the same coat and everything! I had totally forgotten I had ever done this one!
And then I found two more old ones.... my art has changed quite a bit since I did these....


  1. These are all so nice, I can tell you love umbrellas!

  2. the first is just so wonderful! love the colors and the way her face says just so much positive attitude and sureness, just so wonderful. would definitely want this on my wall.

    your older pieces are really vastly different but the use of bright colors and cheerfulness is there.

    have a lovely day.

  3. They are all really fabulous, each quite different but all tie in because of your use of beautiful colors.
    Love the 'raining frogs', and this week's girl is stunning - both before and after you added final details.
    Such talent - you gals are awesome - I wish I could draw like that!

    Mary -

  4. Andrea,
    I love your umbrellas. I love colour too. The detail in your first selection is wonderful.

  5. I really agree with Lissa said about the bright cheerful colour still being evident even while your style has matured, developing into your own unique style along the way. This piece you did for the picnic and the write up is just magical. I think I already talked about this on your instagram too so will jsut add, thank you so much for posting this and in both places! It's truly magical. I relaly love your umbrella with it's pattern and this girls; eyes are wonderful, as is the overall painting style too. Thanks for showing us your other umbrella work too. GReat! I love seeing how things have come along for you. That last piece you show is very captivating btw. Well done.

  6. These are each wonderful to see. I enjoy the sweet expression on the firs ones face and all the details on the umbrella. Sweet message too. It is fun that you shared some older ones too. I find it fun that you had a yellow coat on the first two, so interesting how we can do things like that.

  7. I like that she's carrying around her own rainbow with those beautiful colors. So nice to see your other umbrellas too.

  8. that is so neat seeing your old stuff and how much your style has changed :)

    love the colourful umbrella, would love one like that :)

  9. Wow isn't it cool to see how far you've come! Love your umbrella gal! Stunning work! All your characters of late are so cohesive. I still remember your first falling ladies banner when I visited years ago!

    Hugs Giggles

  10. Oh my gosh, so wonderful. You could do a whole book just on your umbrella girls. (and boys) xox

  11. Wow! I just wrote to you about the progress of your work. . . all of these are beautiful but in the newest one, everything I said shines thru there. You OWN that work. It's YOURS. The style, the colors, the message. So wonderful to see the evolution of it thru these lovely expressions!!!! So over 5 plus years. . . this is what I always tell those starting out. Don't think about the future or the destination. No point B. . . Just point A which is today, then just create, create, create. . . the rest comes along with time, practice and patience.

    You can see all of it echoed in these images Andrea. . .


  12. Your style has blossomed beautifully over those years, Andrea! Absolutely adorable take on the 'umbrella' theme! :)

  13. Not sure how I missed commenting on this earlier. Really like her big green eyes and crooked, little smile. And of course all the colorful umbrellas.
