Sunday, January 15, 2017

Sunday sketches

Argh, I spent another hour redoing yesterday's post and BlogPress deleted it again instead of posting. No idea why, as these quicker posts work just fine.

I was so frustrated I gave up again and painted instead. The Problem with that was I had left my paints at work. So I searched my house, found these VERY old Sakura water colors, a brand new brush still in it's packaging and an also new portable palette. It was messy to get it set up as some of the paints were dry and I had to puncture or tear open the tubes but turns out they work just fine. I actually love some of the colors even more than the set I normally use, the Prussian blue is incredible. I may do a painting in nothing but Prussian blue and payne's gray as that has always been my favorite too.

Here's some color practice, to see if I liked the colors. I got the texture by dabbing them with a paper towel before they dried.

Then I did a sketch after reading the free assignments on "make art that sells" website. I haven't purchased their latest e-class about illustrating children's books that starts today or tomorrow but I wish I could. It looks great.

Happy Sunday sketches all!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Well, my goodness, I have to say, I am glad you decided to just paint ... sorry your other project was rejected by the site, but this is awesome. Adorable and colorful and I agree, Prussian Blue is stunning. I think you should try to get into the class ... children's book illustrations is definitely up your alley. Have a great week, Andrea.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks so much for your kind comments, but it is the price that is stopping me... it's like $400.00!

  2. Love your little girl - it is gorgeous! YOu totally should do that class on children's book illustration.
    I never used water color out of a tube, but way-back-when I used oil color and remember very well the dried tubes you had to puncture to get to the paint. And I looooove Prussian blue and Payne's gray.

    1. Thanks so much, if the class was reasonably priced I would do it. I will have to find another though, there must be some for a Bit less $. ..... and I know! Great colors!

  3. Oh, wow, this is what you did with half-dried paint and a single brush? It's really good.

    I live in fear of being caught without a painting kit, so I have back-ups all over the place. Every bag I carry, my car, the office, the hub's car, they all have a little stash of emergency art supplies.

    1. Well I guess that is the way to go, just hide a stash everywhere, thanks for the idea!

  4. She is precious and so well done with your old paints ~ Delightful! thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Week ahead ~ ^_^

    1. Thanks and the same to you, at least we have one more day to our weekend this week!

  5. Oh she's charming! I'm so glad you found your older paints and were able to create her.

  6. she's very sweet. you just reminded me that I used to use Prussian blue on my palette quite a bit. I liked it a lot. It's a nice dark color without going entirely to black. Also, it looks really good with the color of your girl's hair!

    1. Thanks! I think I will be using those colors a lot more often!

  7. Your artwork is beautiful, Andrea! I like your colour-test play too. I use Payne's Grey a lot and Prussian Blue is one of my faves too. :) You don't use the Blogger Post Editor? I have not heard of Blogpress before.

    1. I am going to get a new blogger app right now. Blog press was a free app, ... so I guess I should have known better.

  8. Although you may have been a little frustrated starting off, it was worth the effort. Your end product is magical, with her big blue eyes and flowing red hair. Blessings!

    1. Thanks so much, it is always a surprise to see if the color combos will work or not. I do like the end result here.

  9. I've been there, tearing open old paint tubes to get to the last bit of dried-up color! I love what you created with all those bits and pieces you found at home though! Happy Sunday Sketching!

    1. Yeah, I really end up pleased with the what that dried up paint could still do! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Somehow I doubt you need a childrens book class... you seemed to be a natural and have it down pat! I always love your adorable characters, their expression and the humour you add!! Sorry about the disappearing post...omg I feel you. I have had that happen and it's so frustrating!! For the last four months I have had a box of older dribs and drabs of paints I am trying to use up before breaking into all the fuller ones!

    Hugs Giggles

    Hugs Giggles

    1. Thanks so much, but I feel like I really have no idea about the business end of children's book proposals etc, I appreciate all your support though, and am happy to know you like my characters!

  11. Yes, it is way too expensive, I keep reading it as if I might do it but actually there is no way I would spend that much money for one class. I need to learn the technical bits of submitting though, and creating a professional portfolio.

  12. art should be messy :D great colours on your girl :)

  13. Andrea, I LOVE your determination! I think I would have done the same, doing whatever it took to get the paints out of those tubes so I could paint. :) I am sorry about that post being lost again. How weird it keeps vanishing on you. What I took to doing, especially with longer posts, is try to write them in another program so I can save them before I try to post them. Too many times I have lost emails etc when a program bugs out on me and i prefer to write in something simple like Notes, Bean or Focus Writer. . . then I save it before trying to post it in my blog etc. But reading back it seems like you are trying a new app so maybe that will work just fine! Fingers crossed. :)

    The new image is GORGEOUS! Keep up the research on the business end too. I think you'll find just what you need when the time is right. You're doing the most important part, making the work and refining your ideas. Don't forget about just making a book on your own too! You're a great writer with many wonderful insights for children!

    1. Thanks Nicolas! I can always count on your support, and encouragement. I keep telling myself that things will happen when and as they should but I am impatient to quit my day job and support myself with art. I will just remind myself again to just keep moving forward and let go of a timeline.

  14. Magical work, love your style! :)
