Tuesday, September 13, 2016

A mandala and an unexpected cat

I received a comment a little while ago asking if I still paint mandalas as I haven't posted one in quite some time. I do still paint them and this one was one I had painted this summer for the e-class i was creating. That class is on indefinite hold but...
here is the finished mandala....

And here is the cat I was not expecting to see in my older son's apartment. Cute huh?


  1. gorgeous mandala Andrea - so much depth in it! Sweet kitty photo-so long as he/she doesn't get wet:) Happy PPF!

  2. Beautiful mandala and what a surprise, cute cat

  3. I have done Zentangle and totally enjoyed it, but found that it took so much time that it was hard for me to do it often. That is probably because I never do anything simply. But I love the process and your Mandala has given me the urge to try again :)Thank you for that :) ... And, I love your kitty. What a cutie :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  4. Wow that is stunning. The shading is perfect. Well done.

  5. Stunning mandala...would always make great fabric..hint hint!! This one has so much dimension...more than normal! Great job...cute cat!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. So intricate and beautiful, cat too

  7. Another beautiful mandala. And they say cats don't like water, haha! Hugs, Rasz

  8. Beautiful painting. Love the shading and splatters - they really lift it to a new level.

  9. Stunning mandala! ADORABLE CAT! :) I just got my Small Magic post up too and linked thru your last post. :) Hoping your Sunday is off to a beautiful start and the weather is settling into that perfect, magical, East Coast autumn bliss!

  10. why is the kitty in the sink? hopefully no one turned on the tap 0.o

    and the mandala is very striking!

  11. Oh gosh, your mandala is amazing. I am in awe of the fine details your created!
