Thursday, July 19, 2012

a bouquet for you

My short  JOY List:

1. a good book...

2. Fans in windows
3. Finally a less than 97 degree day
4. A good DVD... water for elephants

5. Queen Anne's Lace... I picked a bouquet for you at the river...


  1. lovely photos and I love your artwork!

  2. Lovely photos and I'm off to google the dovekeepers!

  3. Aaaaw Thank you Andrea :D XXX

  4. I totally love the delicacy of Queen Anne's lace (and I've taken some Zyrtec) so thanks for the bouquet. I finished The Dovekeepers not long ago -- it wasn't my favorite Alice Hoffman, but it kept me turning the pages until the end. Interesting characters set in a troubling time.

  5. I love love love Alice Hoffman !!!This one is on my to-read list.
    Beautiful joys, Beautiful Lady. Enjoy the delicate miracles.
    hugs !

  6. I loved the Dove Keepers. I couldn't put it down. Thanks for the beautiful summer pictures as well. Queen Ann's Lace is tops when it comes to a dainty summer flower.

  7. What a grand list! Always a good book, and even thought it's 97 degrees here in Colorado it is still cooler than 97 degrees at home in Indiana. Well done! Cathy

  8. no wildflower could be better named.....she is lace fit for a queen...

  9. Water for Elephants was such a great book I was kind of worried about seeing the movie, but it captured the book well.. I might so looking for the dovekeeper...and hope it stays a bit cooler for you... xx
