Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday sketches and books

I was using this great book by Linda Revenscroft lately. I love her art and she has great instructions on how to paint faries and their clothes. Even though my ladies aren't all fairies, it has helped me. You can see that this sketch in my idea sketchbook is influenced by her...

To see more sketches by others click on the sunday sketches thingy at the right!


  1. I love fairies and have been searching for a good tutorial book, I will have to check that one out. Your sketch is great! I love the detail of the bricks. Nice job.

  2. great sketch! i like the detail of the bricks, they are so fun to draw! also, i like your fairy's expression, too! this will be neat when you color it! have a great day!

  3. great sketch! I like the header art, she's lovely.

  4. Great sketch, love the details you have put in...

  5. Great sketch - will look forward to seeing how it turns out!


  6. Can't wait to see this sketch finished. Love the detail!!

  7. I'm painting and drawing fairies this week too - as part of the Willowing course I am taking. We are using Brian Froud as inspiration. I've always loved drawing fairies and looking at pretty pictures of them like yours.

  8. fairies are so magical and whimsical, no wonder you love them! Great sketch.

  9. ok you have talent! Wonderful such expression and great style!

  10. I love her tattoo! great sketch.
    cheers, dana

  11. This is wonderful!
    I have her fairyland book, have never used it, thanks for inspiring me.
