Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A cabin for scribble picnic @dotty-hill

I honestly do not think I have ever painted a cabin before. I rarely do houses or architecture, so I almost didn't play along with this challenge at the newly created "scribble picnic" @ Michael Macvean's blog
But I am glad I did, the first two tries were so horrible I couldn't even keep them, truly, I think I was trying too hard to be realistic and I guess that is not my style. 

Then this little cabin showed up and I liked it and remembered how to paint again so I did three more....
I liked doing them so much I have now even started a girl with a cabin in the background but don't have it ready to show yet..... 
So I guess I am saying... thanks for the challenge!


  1. I like the top one but the cabins at the bottom looks good too as they seem to become more detailed/decorative. shame I can't see the images larger,

    good take on the theme. have a lovely day.

  2. Andrea,
    They are great! Love the soft touch and shadows. It seems like night is falling on your page as the shadows deepen.

  3. you are very good at cabins, well done, I love them all!

  4. That's awesome. Sometimes we do need a push to show us what we are capable of. I love your cabins.

  5. they are all wonderful
    i really like looking at them
    your way with colors is inviting

  6. You have done exceptionally well for having never painted a cabin before. Awesome job on all of them, Andrea. :)

  7. Andrea, each piece got more develped as you went along, I think! I so apprecaite how you did not give up on the cabin as initially considering b/c it all turned out wonderfully. In fact, your very bottom piece, the almost haunted looking cabin is my favourite with it's almost Victorian charm. Now, I want to see your other piece too so please be sure to add it and let me know! :)

    Great job and thank you so much! I loved seeing your process and all the renditions you did here. Really adds to the art collective! :D

  8. P.S. One final note I forgot to add, you are funny/different that way: most people are intimidated by people and you draw them all the time, whereas something like a simply cabin would be so much easier! Haha. It takes all sorts!

  9. I like the way you challenged yourself and then built upon it once you found a comfort level. And they are all outstanding!

  10. I agree that buildings are a challenge, but these turned out great! And I'm glad you put the resting bench beside the one.

  11. You really did work hard on this I'm sure - and they are all wonderful with those beautiful washes for the backgrounds.
    Mary -

  12. Wow ... I love them all! the one on the bottom .... looks like somewhere I'd like to live :)

  13. All of them are lovely but I do love the wonky one at the bottom. All beautifully painted.
