Friday, May 13, 2016

Painting pouches....

Months ago I turned my mandala paintings into little meditation cards on
I made a post of it here...
they are the size of a business card but squared with rounded corners...
then this week finally, I decided what to do with them. 
I made a little pouch out of the extra white fabric that comes with an order from Spoonflower...
then I painted a mandala on it in acrylics...

I added details with a black sharpie then a white gel pen....

then I put in 10 cards each...

I am healed by nature
I have all that I need and want
Share your love with someone
I am totally unique in the universe
I am at peace
Just this is enough
I am loved
My world is full of wonder
Everything is and will be alright
my favorite....
something wonderful will happen today 

just because if you think it long enough it becomes true!

On the back of the cards is this...

So finally I added a bright drawstring, and I have a handy little pouch of meditation cards.
 One for me and two for my etsy shop. 
I stick the cards around my work desk to remind me of things of like
 "everything is and will be alright!"...

But you could also tuck one in someone's purse 
or pocket 
or lunchbox
put one on the bathroom mirror 
or in a journal 
either glued down or as a bookmark
you could just draw one out each morning as a reminder then tuck it back away for another day.
if you do meditate you could use it as a focus point.
I am sure if I keep thinking there are more things you could do with these...
post on a vision board
 build a card house of them
leave one with your tip the next time you eat out at your favorite restaurant
or even
use the pouch as an end of the year teacher gift.

You could make your own set with any of your artwork at by following  this link... 
or you can get mine in my etsy shop...
Have a great week!


  1. I absolutely love this idea Andrea. Your meditation cards are lovely and the little pouch is so cute. Wishing you tonnes of success stocking these in your etsy shop.

  2. Stunning compilation of cards in that adorable pouch...LOVE it!! Thank you for your wonderful inspiration and great ideas!!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. Very pretty! I think the black marker and the white pen made such a difference. Everything seems to pop now. Great idea you had about the pouches.

  4. a wonderful way to share affirmations and beautiful art to boot!

  5. You are one enlightened woman and your creations are excellent ~ delightful too!

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  6. Wow, these are fanastic. xox

  7. How fun . . . you are such an inspiration. I want to go paint a bag now :)

  8. What fantastic original designs and beautifully crafted.
    I'm sure they'll be a huge hit!

  9. What fantastic original designs and beautifully crafted.
    I'm sure they'll be a huge hit!

  10. Dont' which I like the most, the bags or the cards. Great gifts.

  11. A beautiful creation Andrea! The original artwork and, of course, the handmade/painted bag make these such a charming presentation. . . another "small step" :) You are a fountain of inspiration and ideas and these are truly a bit of food for the soul.

  12. they are beautiful... and the design on the bag is so perfectly you!!! please accept my apologies for being late for PPf visits ... again!!!
