Friday, October 2, 2015

More index cards

I seem to be totally stuck on creating patterns for fabric lately...
I have always loved doing patterns, starting with the fabric in the ladies clothes when i was doing all the falling ladies...
Then there was the patterns in circles in my mandalas, 
Now to turn those same patterns into repeating patterns is so much fun....

And i have gone to index cards and pens instead of my watercolors, just temporarily, because to make the repeating patterns i cut the cards in quarters or use two or even four taped together. And i don't want to cut up my sketchbook, but i have no problem cutting index cards. 
Plus i love the colors in my set of pens, bright but juicy looking, 
like fruit flavors....

The current weekly contest at spoonflower is cephalopods....


  1. Great puffy flowers. So much detail in all this pattern making!

  2. Beautiful paintings and I love the digital pattern work, amazing!

  3. I love what you're creating here! Those octopus are amazing.

  4. Fantastic patterns and beautiful colours. It looks like you had lots of fun.
    Happy PPF to you

  5. Oh. Wow. Amazing!!! My mom sewed a lot and it was always a delight for me to go to the fabric store with her, marveling in all the patterns, picking out my favorites, tracing patterns with my fingers, wondering who made them and I know... It was you!!;-)

  6. These are just excellent. I love your sea life. Wonderful.

  7. What gorgeous patterns. It's obvious you that you had fun creating them

  8. Oh, this pattern creating looks like real fun! Happy PPF - Irma

  9. Oh you are having so much fun...thanks for sharing!!

    Hugs Giggles

  10. spoonflower is a site that has the program in it to manipulate your art, and they do design wrapping paper as well as fabric and wall paper!
