Sunday, September 27, 2015

Playing around on index cards...

I drew in pen on these index cards because i was trying to come up with an idea for the spoonflower contest with the "state fair" theme. Well, The first one wasn't for that theme, just playing on that one. The last is a screen shot of the final fabric i settled on. These have been addictive for me, as index cards are so easy to use with my colored markers, and the themes for  the contest are fun to work on.


  1. Index cards in a cute. Christine uses index cards and I love what she does too.

  2. very nice work, I was just going to say I have been using a lot of index cards and they are so handy.

  3. Ooh I especially like the first one. They have such energized colors!

  4. I love this idea of index card size!! Love your drawings... so vibrant! Its easy to see you love it!

  5. It's never crossed my mind to doodle and create art on note cards. You and Christine are brilliant! hee Wonderful work and I LOVE your various ideas. Let us know how the contest goes! :)

  6. PS My hubby has an online art co-op as well and he's having a big giveaway.

  7. Your index card booklet looks really great! I love it! You can take it with you everywhere and all these cute little illustrations in it are enchanting! The fabric turns out phantastic! And I also love the fabric you did before!
