Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Day 1 of creative everyday month

I have been avoiding joining too many groups or challenges this year, but as I do create something daily, even if it is just doodles, I figured this would be safe to join. I may not write much but I will try to post something creative every day this month. Today it is simply the doodles I did right on top of the training material we are required to take yearly. I hope the speaker didn't think I wasn't paying attention. I am just one of those people who listens better if my pen is busy. 


  1. Love your doodling! That mandala is fantastic as all yours are. I'm always impressed with anyone who commits publicly to daily art.

  2. Why not doodle? After all it's just paper and paper is for art.
    Your doodles are very professional and that's a really impressive mandala corner.
    Have a good week.
    Sue x

  3. Hi! So happy to see you hear. I love your girl. Even in the rain she looks like she could care less. See you tomorrow.

  4. I always think I'll join a group like this for the same reason . I easily do something creative every day but it's the picture taking and posting that gets me all off track! lol

    Oh the doodles are sooooo delightful! The figure has a look of "Yeah, I'm "here" but I am dreaming of stars and flowers and rainclouds and . . . sigh. " lol
