Friday, April 10, 2015

Just a glimpse

Back to watercolor and pencil girls in my sketchbook.... I haven't managed to finish any of the larger canvases but I completed a few pages in different sketchbooks this mind seems too distracted to figure out what to work on first, so I have mostly been reading. I finished pride and prejudice and Emma and also the secret of magic by Deborah Johnson.

But what I am most excited about today is I finally, finally have some spring in my yard!!!!!
I had to search, but it is there!


  1. Andrea, your painting/drawing is wonderful. What gorgeous hair!!! Spring is finally coming here too. Forsythia and daffodils and trees getting new leaves. Oh, joy!

  2. She's pretty! And so are the signs of spring--LOL!
    Have a great weekend. :)
